Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Statis-Pro Playoff Teams Settled - Only Blue Jays Exceeded Actual MLB Team

The Chicago White Sox won a thrilled 4-3 season finale to finish the season 30-30 in Statis-Pro, exactly matching their 81-81 .500 campaign in the real season. However, in our season .500 was good enough to snag the 6th and final playoff spot, while in actual play that left them short. Here are our standings, with only the Yankees, Twins and Guardians still scheduled to face the Orioles to determine which of them gets the other bye spot besides Toronto.

Because it is an 11-team lead, these 11 do not get to play the 4 teams we left out of the league, which combined for a .400 record. Therefore each team in this league should finish .041 percent lower in the Statis-Pro season then their real team.

Each team actually plays only 20 games - 2 against each of the other 10 - so you would expect a wide margin of error between Statis-Pro and actual results.

However, pending those final three series, 6 of the 11 teams had very similar records in Statis-Pro to actual MLB play. 

The two teams that played better in Statis-Pro were the Blue Jays and Twins - in green.

The three teams that played worse were the Mariners, Rays and Orioles.

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