Saturday, October 30, 2021

Statis-Pro New Ball Park Factors

One aspect of the 2022 Projected Cards we will be expanding is the DEEP drives. Each batter will have a range of FOUR deep drives this year, between his Home Run and Strikeout Range.

A player in a neutral park (the new Rangers Globe Life Field) will be assumed to get one home run, one double, one single with runners advancing 2 bases, and one SacFly where any runner on base advances (technically not a SacFly if no run scores on the play, but you get it). 

Therefore a player who draws a DEEP drive playing at Texas will get a home run on an 11-28, a double on a 31-48, a single on a 51-68 or deep drive caught on a 71-88.

However a left-handed batter playing at Angel Stadium will drive it out of the park a lot - an 11-46 - while a right handed batter in Angel Stadium will drive it out on an 11-30 (really an 11-28 since there are no 29 or 30 random numbers, but running formulas with based 8 (Dec2Oct for any stat geeks like me) it's easier just ot let it show up that way.

Here are the ranges for each Stadium. You should really use the left or right for a switch hitter based on which way he is hitting for that at bat, but I included "S" in case you want to just use one factor for all batters.

If you are playing with the 2021 MLB pitcher and batter cards and want to use these charts, then add two DEEP numbers to the range if each batters card (so 31-32 Deep Range becomes 31-34).

 Parking an unrelated note here, but if you are playing the current World Series note that Eddie Rosario does not have a hitting card since he only had 33 regular season at bats for the Braves. However, you can always use these basic hitting cards when a pitcher is at bat, or for someone like Rosario just look up his projected OPS to use these cards and you will see he would have a 26-32 home run range with the temporary card.

Here are the deep ranges for each park based on if a batter is hitting left handed or right handed:

AngelsLAngel Stadium11 - 4647 - 6061 - 7677 - 88
AngelsRAngel Stadium11 - 3031 - 4748 - 7576 - 88
AngelsSAngel Stadium11 - 3637 - 5455 - 7677 - 88
AstrosLMinute Maid Park11 - 3536 - 5758 - 7172 - 88
AstrosRMinute Maid Park11 - 3637 - 4041 - 6364 - 88
AstrosSMinute Maid Park11 - 3536 - 4546 - 6566 - 88
AthleticsLOakland Coliseum11 - 1213 - 4041 - 6162 - 88
AthleticsROakland Coliseum11 - 1112 - 2728 - 4546 - 88
AthleticsSOakland Coliseum11 - 1213 - 3334 - 5354 - 88
Blue JaysLRogers Centre11 - 6465 - 7374 - 8384 - 88
Blue JaysRRogers Centre11 - 3435 - 5455 - 6566 - 88
Blue JaysSRogers Centre11 - 4445 - 6162 - 7172 - 88
BravesLTruist Park11 - 4142 - 6566 - 8687-88
BravesRTruist Park11 - 2526 - 5253 - 7677 - 88
BravesSTruist Park11 - 3132 - 5657 - 8182 - 88
BrewersLAmerican Family Field11 - 2425 - 4546 - 6162 - 88
BrewersRAmerican Family Field11 - 4647 - 4647 - 6061 - 88
BrewersSAmerican Family Field11 - 3536 - 4445 - 5657 - 88
CardinalsLBusch Stadium11 - 1314 - 2223 - 5152 - 88
CardinalsRBusch Stadium11 - 1213 - 2425 - 4445 - 88
CardinalsSBusch Stadium11 - 1213 - 2324 - 4546 - 88
CubsLWrigley Field11 - 2425 - 3637 - 5760 - 88
CubsRWrigley Field11 - 3031 - 4344 - 6061 - 88
CubsSWrigley Field11 - 2627 - 4041 - 5760 - 88
D-backsLChase Field11 - 3031 - 6061 - 8687 - 88
D-backsRChase FieldNone11 - 4142 - 6364 - 88
D-backsSChase Field11 - 1720 - 4748 - 7374 - 88
DodgersLDodger Stadium11 - 4243 - 6162 - 7273 - 88
DodgersRDodger Stadium11 - 6263 - 7172 - 88None
DodgersSDodger Stadium11 - 5354 - 6566 - 8283-88
GiantsLOracle ParkNone11 - 3233 - 4750 - 88
GiantsROracle ParkNone11 - 2324 - 4546 - 88
GiantsSOracle ParkNone11 - 2627 - 4647 - 88
IndiansLProgressive Field11 - 3637 - 7172 - 88None
IndiansRProgressive Field11 - 2425 - 5354 - 7071 - 88
IndiansSProgressive Field11 - 3031 - 6263 - 7881 - 88
MarinersLT-Mobile Park11 - 2627 - 2627 - 4647 - 88
MarinersRT-Mobile Park11 - 2627 - 3435 - 5051 - 88
MarinersST-Mobile Park11 - 2627 - 3132 - 4750 - 88
MarlinsLloanDepot park11 - 1213 - 2122 - 4041 - 88
MarlinsRloanDepot park11 - 1516 - 3637 - 6061 - 88
MarlinsSloanDepot park11 - 1415 - 3132 - 5253 - 88
MetsLCiti Field11 - 3132 - 3536 - 5455 - 88
MetsRCiti Field11 - 3334 - 4647 - 5556 - 88
MetsSCiti Field11 - 3233 - 4243 - 5455 - 88
NationalsLNationals Park11 - 4041 - 7172 - 88None
NationalsRNationals Park11 - 4243 - 6465 - 8687 - 88
NationalsSNationals Park11 - 4142 - 6667 - 88None
OriolesLOriole Park at Camden Yards11 - 5051 - 8283 - 88None
OriolesROriole Park at Camden Yards11 - 6162 - 7273 - 88None
OriolesSOriole Park at Camden Yards11 - 5657 - 7475 - 88None
PadresLPetco Park11 - 1314 - 3132 - 4546 - 88
PadresRPetco Park11 - 2627 - 4041 - 4750 - 88
PadresSPetco Park11 - 2223 - 3536 - 4647 - 88
PhilliesLCitizens Bank Park11 - 4647 - 6465 - 8687-88
PhilliesRCitizens Bank Park11 - 4243 - 4647 - 7172 - 88
PhilliesSCitizens Bank Park11 - 4445 - 5556 - 7881 - 88
PiratesLPNC Park11 - 1112 - 6364 - 7576 - 88
PiratesRPNC Park11 - 1213 - 4445 - 6061 - 88
PiratesSPNC Park11 - 1213 - 5455 - 7071 - 88
RangersLGlobe Life Field11 - 2831 - 4851 - 6871 - 88
RangersRGlobe Life Field11 - 2831 - 4851 - 6871 - 88
RangersSGlobe Life Field11 - 2831 - 4851 - 6871 - 88
RaysLTropicana Field11 - 1213 - 3233 - 4647 - 88
RaysRTropicana Field11 - 1516 - 3435 - 5152 - 88
RaysSTropicana Field11 - 1314 - 3233 - 4647 - 88
Red SoxLFenway Park11 - 2122 - 8384 - 88None
Red SoxRFenway Park11 - 2324 - 7677 - 88None
Red SoxSFenway Park11 - 2223 - 7881 - 88None
RedsLGreat American Ball Park11 - 6263 - 7881 - 88None
RedsRGreat American Ball Park11 - 5760 - 8384 - 88None
RedsSGreat American Ball Park11 - 6061 - 8283 - 88None
RockiesLCoors Field11 - 4243 - 6061 - 88None
RockiesRCoors Field11 - 5051 - 88NoneNone
RockiesSCoors Field11 - 4546 - 8586 - 88None
RoyalsLKauffman StadiumNone11 - 4748 - 88None
RoyalsRKauffman StadiumNone11 - 4243 - 8283 - 88
RoyalsSKauffman StadiumNone11 - 4546 - 8586 - 88
TigersLComerica ParkNone11 - 1617 - 2425 - 88
TigersRComerica Park11 - 1516 - 4041 - 6667 - 88
TigersSComerica Park11 - 1213 - 3031 - 5051 - 88
TwinsLTarget Field11 - 1617 - 3031 - 6465 - 88
TwinsRTarget Field11 - 2122 - 5354 - 6162 - 88
TwinsSTarget Field11 - 2021 - 4344 - 6263 - 88
White SoxLGuaranteed Rate Field11 - 5455 - 5455 - 6162 - 88
White SoxRGuaranteed Rate Field11 - 4647 - 6263 - 7677 - 88
White SoxSGuaranteed Rate Field11 - 5354 - 5556 - 6667 - 88
YankeesLYankee Stadium11 - 4142 - 4344 - 5556 - 88
YankeesRYankee Stadium11 - 3132 - 3637 - 5657 - 88
YankeesSYankee Stadium11 - 3334 - 3738 - 5657 - 88

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