Monday, February 13, 2023

Women's BB All-Time Great Team Player Cards Debut for Value Add Basketball Game

For the first time, we now have All-Time great college women's basketball teams for use with our Value Add Basketball Game. We will turn these into cards, but you can play the game using them as sheets. Just find the team you want to play and print out that sheet and it will print that sheet with three teams. The last of seven sheets with Cheryl Miller's USC team includes notes on what each range means by the player. 

Once I calculated the cards, I ran the numbers and it appears the two UConn teams and Pat Summitt's undefeated Tennessee team have the best cards, and all three would probably beat the average women's college basketball team by 50 points.

Not far behind them it appears both Baylor teams, the original NCAA champ Louisiana Tech, and Cheryl Miller's USC team could be the next best. After watching South Carolina destroy #3 LSU before the Super Bowl last night, it looks to me like they will be even better than the 2021 team I have in the game, which looks like the 8th best team in the game.

Seed    Great Team            Year           Cards pts above average
4Louisiana Tech198243.6
9Texas A&M201137.9
10South Carolina201735.0
11Ohio St.201634.3
12Mississippi St.201833.7
13Notre Dame201833.7
18Old Dominion198020.0
20Long Beach St.198718.6

While we have had more than 64,000 unique visitors to the game, I'm sure many others with no interest in playing a board game might still like looking over the sheets to get a feel for how good great players were.

We did try to keep it to one team per school to include as many schools as possible, but as you can see at the top did include two teams each for both Baylor and UConn out of our 20 total colleges represented. 

Stats are much hard to pull together for many of these teams, and we also calculated in WNBA stats for everyone who played there, and in other cases had to pull together multiple box scores from individual games to accurately rank a player. 

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