Saturday, August 18, 2018

Statis-Pro Baseball Advanced Charts to Add to Basic Game for Fielding, Baserunning, Clutch Plays and Unusual Plays

The old dice rules are below, but we now suggest these rules for easier and faster play:

 The flow of the game with new simple Fast Action Cards on this pdf:

1. Read top line of first card for 2-12 number to see if action is on the pitcher or batter card.

2. On the 2nd card, read the second number (Random Number 11-88) to see what happens on that card. (If noone is one base, change any BK, WP or CD on line 2 to an OUT).

3. If the result is an OUT, check the third number on the next card to see where the ball is hit.

4. The Error Reading on the 4th card is only used if; there is a hit on the BATTER card on line 2 OR, there is a possible error (e?) on line 3 with an out. If the fielder's E number is in the range on this 4th line then everyone is safe in an out or gets an extra base on a hit. Flip for another 11-88 and if the number is 61-88 give batter and runners one additional base for a throwing error.

BD or CD exception instead of 2-12 on top line. Ignore these if noone on base. If at least one runner is on base, BD means to use the clutch batting at the bottom of the batter card  use tto determine if it is a base clearing double (BD-2B), home run, or just a foul ball. If you get a CD with a position, then look up the fielders CD (clutch defense) 1-5 and use the chart at the bottom of this blog for result.

Old rules 

Click here for the new and improved instructions and new 609 pitcher and 619 batter player cards now.

Advanced Rules - Option 1 - Out Chart

dieRPRNLPLNPdieIf no charts
1G6G6G4G4G61DP Grounder
2G6G6G4G4G42DP Grounder
3G6G4G4G6G53DP Grounder
4G4G5G6G3G14DP Grounder
5Gx5GxinfGx3GxinfG35Lead runner out if forced, hold
6GinfAGinfAGinfAGinfAGx36Ground out runners advance
7G5aG6aG3aG4aGx67Ground out runners advance
10F2F2F2F2Linf10Pop foul
11F6F2F4F2f211Pop out
12FinfFinfFinfFinff312Pop out
13F9F9F7F7f413Fly out
14F8F8F8F8F514Fly out
15F7F7F9F9f915Fly out
16FD7F7FD9F9f816Fly out (Sac Fly if RP, SP or LP)
17FD7FD7FD9FD9f717Deep flyout, Sac Fly
18ErrErrErrErrErr18See error chart
19ErrErrErrErrErr19See error chart
20F8/ZF8/ZF8/ZF8/ZF8/Z20F8, if any runners, Z, BD or CD

Instead of the simple out chart in the basic game for all batters in the basic game, you look at this chart to determine the out based on if the batter's Cht - which can be RP (right-handed power), RN (right-handed normal), LP (left power), LN (left normal) or P (pitcher at bat). If the batter is a SP or BP that means a power switch hitter and he bats the opposite of what the pitcher throws (so an SP is a RP against a left-handed pitcher, or a LP against a right-handed pitcher).

To keep it simple you can just read the result of the out in the left-hand column.

A roll of 18 or 19 is a possible error. If this occurs on a hit, then the outfielder the ball is hit to is the possible out. If the roll occurs on an OUT, then roll the two 6-sided dice again to determine which player might commit an error.

2 or 31b82B

A roll of 20 is a flyout to centerfield (F8) if noone is on base. If anyone is on base, ignore the PB and instead use the two 6-sided dice to determine if the play is a clutch batting attempt for the (BD) on a 2 to 4, a clutch defensive play (CD) by one of the fielder is a 5 to 9 or an unusual play (Z) if 10 to 12. (see charts below).

The number indicates the position, but "inf" indicates it can be to any infield position, and roll a 6-sided die for the position with 1=pitcher, 2=catcher, 3=1st base, 4=2nd baseman, 5=3rd baseman, 6=shortstop.
  • FD indicates a deep drive, and an OBR A-C scores from third, and OBR A or B goes from 2nd to 3rd.
  • F indicates a flyout out.
  • L indicates a line-out.
  • G = grounder to that position.  If men on base, 
    • an "A" at the end of the result indicates the batter is out but all runners advance.
    • an "X" in the middle of the result indicates runners hold and the lead runner who is forced is out.
    • if there is no "A" at the end or "X" in the middle it is a double play, but an OBR A or B beats the throw unless it is a G6 or G3
Even today, I carry the 5 dice with me to make the basic game my "travel" version, but play with the whole game setup when I'm at home.

However, if you want to try out the some of the cool advanced rules one at a time still using dice, you can go through this blog to add the clutch defensive plays of fielders beyond just if they make errors, hit & run and more advanced base running options, as well as Clutch Batting and many unique plays and injuries then you can either either buy a full Statis-Pro game from someone. We calculated defensive abilities (Clutch Defense and Error ratings in this way.)

You can also use the SR ratings to determine when a starting pitcher gets tired, and RR for a reliever. Scherzer has an SR 13. You subtract one every time he finishes an inning or gives up a hit, walk, hpb or earned run until he is down to 0, then replace him with a reliever or start to reduce his PB by 1 for each of those things happening.

When a reliever comes in do the same thing with his RR.

I set up four man rotations for starters. Everyone comes up with their own rules for how many games a reliever must skip based on how many batters he faces in a game. I found I was letting relievers pitch too much in my recent season, which resulted in the Indians and Yankees.topping the Astros and Red Sox because their relievers from the 2017 season were so untouchable.

For my international play this off-season, I play all 2 game series between teams and say each reliever can only pitch one game either in the first or second game. If a team runs out then they use a universal "other pitcher" on the sheet who is a pb2-5. If a reliever pitched an inning ever 2 games that would be a high 81 innings for the season, so I believe that gives the bullpen an accurate not overwhelmingly dominant role in the game.

Advanced Option 2. When a "20" is rolled and at least 1 runner is on base, then disregard the result from the batter or pitcher card and instead use the other 4 dice for the result below:

Advanced Option 2 adds the truly unique and interesting plays that come up when using the Fast Action Cards if the PB shows a Z, BD or CD instead of the normal number from 2-12.

When playing with the dice, this only happens when two things happen at once:

1. Someone is on base AND
2. the 20-sided die roll is a "20."

On a hit, you only need to look at the 20-side die if it is a 18, 19 or 20, which can result in an error or unusual or clutch play, but the rolls of 1-17 below are only used if the result on the batter or pitchers card is OUT. Find the base situatoin in the top column, and then read down to see if the result was a fly out (F), line out (L), Ground out (G) or Double Play (DP).

When playing the basic rules, a "20" roll will always be a flyout to centerfield on the charts below, but continue to the bottom to see all the exciting things that can happen in the Advanced Game.

Out Chart - Click on grid below, print and keep with you when playing

The Numbers by the F, L, G or DP show which players recorded the outs (1 = P, 2 = c, 3 = 1st baseman,
4 = 2nd baseman, 5 = 3rd baseman, 6 = shortstop, 7 = leftfielder, 8 = rightfielder and 9 = rightfielder.)
On a grounder (G) or double play (DP) the first number gets the ball and throws it to the other players,
so if the ball goes to "3" the batter is thrown out, a "4" or "6" means a runner is out and 2nd base, a "2"
means someone is thrown out at home. A "G5" is the only time a runner is out going to 3rd.

A "Defensive Option" means that the defense has the option of just getting the batter out to force a runner
on third to stay there instead of scoring.

"Hold" indicates other runners not involved in the play mentioned stay at their base, "Advance" means they
take the next base.

While you only need to check a roll of 1-17 if the result is an OUT, however if the 20-sided
die is 18, 19 or 20 you need to check if it is an OUT or a 1B, 2B or 3B.

Advanced Option 3. When a "20" is rolled and at least 1 runner is on base, then disregard the result from the batter or pitcher card and instead use the other 4 dice for the result below:

If the two six-sided dice equal 2, 3 or 4, the batter has a chance for a clutch base clearing hit.

2 - BD - Clutch Batting: Look up the Random Number of 11-88 on batters card for bases-clearing double, triple or home run or if not in range then ignore as a foul.
3 - BD - Clutch Batting (same as "2")
4 - BD - Clutch Batting (same as "2")

If you are using cards like the one above for Mookie Betts, then use the Random Number and find the result under his "BD" on the card.Clutch Batting Results due to a 20 on 20-sided die and 2, 3 4 or 5 on two six-sided dice. If your card has a BD like Mookie Betts above, then get a new Random Number and use it there, so for Betts a  11-31 would be a base clearing double, and 32-33 would be a triple, and a 34-46 would be a home run, while a 47-88 would be a foul home run.
  1. Random Number falls within the Batters Range for a Single = Clutch Batting Result is a double and all runners score. (so if all we had was Betts project row shown below the card above, then an 11-21 in his singles field would be a clutch batting base clearing double).
  2. Random Number falls within the Batters Range for a Triple = Clutch Batting Result is still a triple. (the 34 on Betts row would be a triple as a clutch batting play as well).
  3. Random Number falls within the Batters Range for a Double or Home Run = Clutch Batting result is a Home Run. (either a 22-33 or 35-43 from Betts row would be a homer as a clutch batting play)
  4. Random Number would not be a hit on the Batters Card = Clutch Batting Result is a Foul Home Run and return to normal play. (a 44-88 would be a foul home run)

On a "20" roll where the PB would have been 5 through 9 use the two 6-sided dice to pick a position below, and the 11 to 88 on the chart (e.g. if the two die were a one and a six to total 7, then refer to the Clutch Defense of the 1st baseman "7 (1&6) - 1b")
5 - CF
6 (1 & 5) - LF
6 (2 & 4) - RF
6 (3 & 3) - P
7 (1 & 6) - 1B
7 (2 & 5) - 2B
7 (3 & 4) - 3B
8 (4 & 4) - C
8 (2 & 6 or 3 & 5) - SS
9 - CF

The following is the CD chart to use, and it is just one of the many components you can order by clicking here to get a complete nice looking set from someone who produces incredible boards and cards that make the game play much easier.

On a "20" roll where the PB would have been 10 through 12 refer to the Z Chart of unusual
plays below.

10, 11 or 12 - Look up the result of the Random Number below for the result. Note, if the number is 81-88 you will need to get a new number to see who is injured on a play on the chart.

Z Chart Results
11 - Catcher ejected
12 - Pitcher ejected
13 - Batter ejected
14 - Single, P, C & 1b ejected
15 - Batter ejected
16 - Pitcher ejected
17 - Walk for pitcher going to mouth
18 - Batter out for illegal bat
21 - Rain delay, both pitchers PB lowered by 2
22 - Rain delay, both pitchers PB lowered by 2
23 - Rain delay, both pitchers PB lowered by 2
24 - Rain delay, both pitchers PB lowered by 1
25 - Rain delay, both pitchers PB lowered by 1
26 - Rain delay, both pitchers PB lowered by 1
27 - Double, but if runner on 1st ruled out for batter passing
28 - Strikeout, wild pitch, batter safe at 1st as long as 1st base not occupied OR if 2 outs and all runners advance
31 - Apparent double erased, batter out for missing 1st base and gets credit for single
32 - If man on first, steals and SS ejected
33 - Runner out stealing second and batter ejected
34 - IF man on first, picked off 1-3-4-3 but a runner on 3b scores
35 - IF man on first, picked off 1-3-6, all others advance
36 - If man on 3rd, catcher picks off
37 - Strikeout, passed ball batter safe at first if unoccopied or 2 outs
38 - Single runners advance 2, but batter out rounding 1st
41 - Batter out for running into slow roller
42 - Only if runners on 1st and 2nd, grounder hits runner on 1st who is ruled out but batter gets hit (if runners not on 1st and 2nd, then ignore)
43 - Catcher interference, batter gets 1st
44 - Batter out on Fan interference
(Note: Original games had a 2nd fielding chart, but those results are now below.)
45: If 1B is CD 3 or 4, double play 3-6-3 others advance. If CD 1 or 2, batter out all runners advance. (ignore if no one on 1st base)
46: If 2B is CD 3 or 4, double play 4-6-3 others advance. If CD 1 or 2, batter out all runners advance. (ignore if no one on 1st base)
47: If SS is CD 3 or 4, double play 6-4-3 others advance. If CD 1 or 2, batter out all runners advance. (ignore if no one on 1st base)
48: If 3B is CD 3 or 4, double play 5-4-3 others advance. If CD 1 or 2, batter out all runners advance. (ignore if no one on 1st base)
51-52: If P is CD 3 or 4, double play 3-6-3 others advance. If CD 1 or 2, batter out all runners advance. (ignore if no one on 1st base)
53-54: Difficult grounder, runners advance one base. E0 - E3 at 1B gets batter out, otherwise infield single.
55-56: Difficult grounder, runners advance one base. E0 - E3 at 2b gets batter out, otherwise infield single.
57-58: Difficult grounder, runners advance one base. E0 - E4 at SS gets batter out, otherwise infield single.
61-62: Difficult grounder, runners advance one base. E0 - E5 at 3b gets batter out, otherwise infield single.
63-66: Difficult fly ball in gap, E0 - E1 in LF makes catch for out and runners hold, otherwise double and all runners score.
67-72: Difficult fly ball in gap, E0 - E2 in CF makes catch for out and runners hold, otherwise double and all runners score.
73-76: Difficult fly ball in gap, E0 - E2 in RF makes catch for out and runners hold, otherwise double and all runners score.
77: Difficult foul pop, E0 - E2 at C makes catch for out and runners hold, otherwise foul.
78: TRIPLE PLAY POSSIBLE. Line out to SS if men on 1st and 2nd, to 3B if 1st and 3rd, 2b if 2nd and 3rd, and P if bases loaded. Get new PB number and if 2-6 then triple play, but if new PB is 7-12 then only double play with lead runner doubled off.
81-88: Get a new Random number to see who is injured and hte play on the chart below.

Injury Chart - these results are for a 2nd roll AFTER the initial roll is 81-88
(we simply play the player is out for the rest of the game)

Z-InjuryRN RangePlayer(s) hurtInjury play
2628CFInside Park Home Run
37411b and RFDouble, runners score
42442b and CFDouble, runners score
4547SS and LFSingle, runners 2 bases
51533b and PFoul
5458LF and CFDouble, runners score R
6165CF and RFDouble, runners score
66681bSingle, runners 1 base
71732bLine out 2b
74763bLine out 3b
7781SSLine out SS
8588CFDouble, runners score

End of results charts for 20-sided dice

Advance Option 3: Bunts, Steals & Extra Base on Hit AND Hit and Run

This chart is presented in the basic game BUT it is slightly more advanced her to account for the throwing arms of either the outfielder or the catcher.

When trying to take an extra base on the chart above, the runner can only be out on a roll of 6. On rolls of 1-5 he just fails to take the extra base if his OBR or SP is not good enough.
However, if a 6 is rolled, then there is a close play and he will be either safe or out.
The 6-sided die is rolled one more time, and this time if the number is equal to or less than
the outfielders throwing arm (T5, T4, T3 or T2) then he is out. SP E or OBR E cannot try to steal or take extra base, respectively.

1 die
Extra Base on hit
Stealing base
OBR A, B or C Xtra base        
SP AA, A, B or C steals     
Sacrifice, OBR: A batter safe for hit
OBR A or B Xtra base
SP AA, A or B steals
OBR A Xtra base
SP AA or A steals
Xtra base only if 2 outs
Only SP AA steals
Hold base
If 6, roll again for throw
If roll equal or lower
than outfielders T5, T4,
T3, T2 arm out, otherwise safe
On 6, roll again for throw - TA=Out, 
TB 2-4 = Out, TC 1-2 
Out (otherwise steals)
Leader Runner out

Sample games and league update

To play an entire sample inning using all possible results, let's say Scherzer is still the pitcher, but use the All-Star line-up from the free google sheet of the best players from the Dominican Republic players using the following dice rolls.

1. Ramirez vs. Scherzer: Blue Dice = 9 Yellow/White = 25, Result DOUBLE (2b) on Ramirez card below, man on second no outs.
2. Polanco vs. Scherzer: Blue Dice = 3 Yellow/White = 72, Result OUT on Scherzer's card above, man still on 2nd with one out.
3. Soto vs. Scherzer: Blue Dice = 4 Yellow/White = 55, Result WILD PITCH on Scherzer's card above, runner goes to 3rd base, still one out and Soto still hitting.
4. Soto vs. Scherzer: Blue Dice = 11 Yellow/White = 48, Result WALK on Soto's card below, runners now on 1st and 3rd base.
5. Ozuna vs Scherzer: Blue Dice = 2 Yellow/White = 25, Result STRIKEOUT, 2 outs, runners still on first and third base.
6. Cano vs. Scherzer: Blue Dice = 10 Yellow/White = 15, Result SINGLE (1b) to score runner from third, and runner are now on 1st and 2nd base.  The Dominican Republic leads 1-0.
7. Santana vs. Scherzer: Blue Dice = 7 Yellow/White = 41, Result STRIKEOUT and the top of the inning ends with the Dominican Republic leading 1-0.
8. Scroll down to the Dominican Republic Pitchers and Danny Salazar would then pitch to the Washington Nationals.

The following is an example of the interesting plays that are not part of the Basic Game above but can happen on rare occasions in the Advanced Game. I am playing with a league of 6 teams of major league players from different countries, and Ohtani's card was just used in a game where he pitched and was involved in my first ever Statis-Pro inside-the-park Grand Slam homer, which let Japan defeat Venezuela 6-5. Those who read my feature on Ohtani in the story below will not be surprised he is the only player who has a projected batter and pitcher card, even though he will actually only bat next season due to surgery.

Advance Option 5: Playing teams from other eras

The advanced games show different results for batting and pitching against a left-handed or right-handed batter. However, when playing with basic cards or the cards you make by going to our link, then an adjustment for whether a pitcher is facing a right-handed or left-handed batter were always reflected in a chart summarized below. Basically, a if a batter gets to bat against a pitcher who throws the opposite (left-handed batter vs. right-handed batter or vice versa) then he gets a single on a Random Number of either 87 (with runners advancing two bases) or 88 (where they advance one base).

However, if a right-handed batter needs to face a right-handed pitcher then he is out on an 11 or 12, and a left-handed batter will have a much tougher time against a left-handed pitcher - where he is out on 11-15. A Switch hitter is never effected either way.

The additional adjustment we folded into the system is an adjustment for if a batter from a deadball era (e.g. Yaz in 1968) faces a pitcher from a live ball era (1930). In that case consult the average Runs/Game in one year. To take the most extreme case, if Yaz from 1968 were hitting against a 1930 pitcher, this would be a batter who slugged it out in a year in which 3.4 runs were being recorded per game playing in 1930 when 5.6 runs per game were being scored. The adjustment extends on the Right/Left adjustment and in this case Yaz and his teammates get doubles on 81-86. As you can see from the chart, that would result in the 1968 Red Sox adding about 2.37 runs per game over the course of the season to be on an even field with the 1930 teams.

In other years the adjustment is much less or none at all.

The other place you can use this chart is if one league is playing a league that is better (Japanese, Cuban or Mexican League against the Major Leagues) or to play college or minor leagues against each other. In most cases, you would simply need to estimate the difference between the two levels, but in other cases, you can check the math. For example, if you wanted to play an International League team, where teams average 4.15 runs per game, against a Pacific Coast team where they average 5.03, the difference of 0.88 on the chart below would result in all International League teams getting doubles on any roll or a random number of 85 or 86.

There is never an adjustment the other way - the batters in the league or year that scored MORE runs per game do not face any adjustments.

VariableRandom NumberNew ResultR/G Impact
LHP vs LN or LP Cht11-15K or Foul Out
RHP vs RN or RP Cht11-12K or Foul Out
LHP vs RN or RP Cht87-88Single
RHP vs LN or LP Cht87-88Single
Batters' Year 0.2 to 0.5 lower R/G     86Double0.35
Batters' Year 0.6 to 0.9 lower R/G85-86Double0.72
Batters' Year 1.0 to 1.3 lower R/G84-86Double1.1
Batters' Year 1.4 to 1.7 lower R/G83-86Double1.5
Batters' Year 1.8 to 2.1 lower R/G82-86Double1.92
Batters' Year 2.1+ lower R/G81-86Double2.37

Advance Option 5: Great Innovations

To get the full benefit of incredible additional innovations to the game, click here to order from a guy making incredible additions. I've ordered many of the great teams from throughout history.

The more advanced rules give you the chance to get the full impact of Bob Gibson being even better than the best card we provide in the free edition, because his 1.12 ERA results in a PB: 2-10 card since he is so much better than even other PB: 2-9 pitchers from most years. They also have PB: 2-4 cards for really bad pitchers, and a PB: 4-7 for average players.

There are additional superior ratings for fielding (Mookie Betts as a CD: 5 because he is that much better than even the typical great CD: 4 player) and baserunning, and the left right splits make for great matchups like the 1984 Detroit Tigers who kill left-handed pitching vs. the 1927 Yankees who kill right-handed pitching.

For big series like that, I like these full advanced cards and rules.

When playing off a current season I'd rather get through a couple of hundred games to really learn the current players, so I use the basic cards with the Fast Action Cards at home, but I throw my 5 dice and a couple of teams in my computer bag for trips to sneak in extra 20-minute games without trying to pack the whole game.

At very least you can learn to play the Basic Game and then add as many advanced rules as you want.


  1. Ever think about putting this all in a PDF? It's a great way to compact everything you need to play. I've never seen such a nice distillation of tht game such as you've done here!

  2. I found this looking for a dice variant to tht game.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

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