Tuesday, October 13, 2020

New 2022 Projected Player Cards and Updated Statis-Pro Game Instructions

If you already own a Statis-Pro game and Fast Action Cards for results, you can simply print all MLB 2024 Projected Player Card Sheets and play the game using these instructions.

You can open and print these sheets and own cards for all 30 Major League Teams - or use the other sheets sorted by country to play international. 

For those who do not have the game, you can either order it or play for free by using these instructions and five dice pictured further down (two 6-sided dice for a roll of 2-12, two 8-sided dice of different colors for a roll of 11-88, and a 20-sided die). 

The following is what the 2024 sheets look like, followed by what the 2021 cards looked like, to show the difference between sheet form and card form.

Choose Teams; Player Cards from 2021 (Sample Braves then Dodgers Starting 9)

First, choose the two teams you would like to play. Players on the link above are grouped by their current team and listed in alphabetical order. Their cards are based on a combination of their stats during the 60-game 2020 season and the Zips projections for the 162-game 2021 season, adjusted based by ballpark. For example, Jose Altuve's projected 2021 Zips stats came to an 0.868 OPS in 129 games, but he struggled to a 0.629 OPS in the shortened 2020 season. When you add the two up and take away extra hits he had because of playing in a hitters' park, his card would average out to a 0.782 OPS - above average and closer to the projections (due to more games) but well short of his past All-Star level.

For purposes of these instructions, we chose the Braves and Dodgers cards above, using the line-ups each team used for Game 1 of the 2020 NLDS, except we dropped the DHs to have the pitchers hit. 

Once you choose your teams and players, you can use any scoresheet to write in the line-up. Note that with one exception, the position listed on this simple scorecard for each player is the primary position on their card, which is the first item under their name/team on the top line. Acuna is batting first for the Braves, and playing CF (centerfield), Freeman is batting second and playing 1b (1st base), through Fried who is batting 9th and pitching. The only exception is that the primary position for the Dodgers' No. 8 hitter Taylor is SS, but because Seager only plays shortstop, we write Taylor in at his second position, LF (leftfield).

BravesPos123456789 DodgersPos123456789
AcunaCF          BettsRF         
Freeman1b          SeagerSS         
OzunaLF          Turner3b         
d"ArnaudC          Muncy1b         
Albies2b          SmithC         
SwansonSS          BellingerCF         
MarkakisRF          Hernandez2b         
Riley3B          TaylorLF         
FriedP          BuehlerP         
PitchersIPRHKWSR     PitchersIPRHKWSR    
Fried           Buehler         

Begin Game, Pitcher vs. Batter

The vast majority of this blog covers all possible results of each at bat, so if you know how that works, then you can skip to "Pitcher Stamina." We start by enlarging the pitching card of Braves' starter Max Fried and Dodgers' lead-off hitter Mookie Betts in order to go through each potential result on each card.

PB - 2-12 Roll Determines if the Pitcher Keeps the Action on His Card

All five dice are rolled at once, but the first thing you read is the two standard dice totaling a roll between 2 and 12. Note Fried's "PB: 2-8" range. If the pitcher keeps the action on his card, then the batter's card is almost never relevant.

The possible pitcher's PBs are 2-9 (best), 2-8 (Fried's), 2-7 (Good), 4-7 (average), 2-6, 2-5 and 2-4 (worst). 

The picture shows the five dice, which can all be rolled at once, but also how the numbers correspond to a Fast Action Deck which you use instead of dice if you get the game.

If the Result is on the Pitcher's Card

  • 1B: The only hit that can be allowed on a pitcher's card is a single, so if a roll of 2-8 puts the action on Fried's call, then any roll of 11-23 onthe 11-88 dice is a single. A 1bf is an infield single, 1b7, single to left field, etc. 
  • BK: If bases are empty, a 24 is an Out. If anyone is on base, then a 24 MIGHT be a Balk. Roll one 6-sided die again, and if the roll is a 1 or 2 it is a balk, but a 3-6 it is an Out.
  • K: 25-44 is a strikeout.
  • W:45-51 is a walk.
  • WP: If bases are empty, 52 is an out. If anyone else is on base, it is a wild pitch.
  • CD-C: If bases are empty, 53-54 is an out. If anyone is on base then roll the 11-88 dice again and refer to the Catcher's Clutch Defensive Rating of CD1 (the worst), CD2, CD3, CD4 or CD5 (the best). The original Statis-Pro cards instead had a Passed Ball range that is no longer on these cards. 

C-CD (Catcher)CD1CD2CD3CD4CD5
Foul Out11-1811-2811-3811-4811-58
Passed Ball21-5831-5841-5851-5861-64
Infield single61-8861-7861-6861-6465-66
Lead runner out 81-8871-8865-8867-88

  • Out: a 55-88 is an Out. (see one exception on lefty vs. righty adjustment below) 

If the Result is on the Batter's Card

If the 2-12 roll is outside the pitcher's range, a 9, 10, 11 or 12 when Fried is pitching, then we use Betts hitter's card instead of the pitcher's card for the result.

  • 1B: 11-17 would be a single for Betts, to the infield (1bf), leftfield (1B7), centerfield (1B8) or rightfield (1B9).
  • 2B: 18-26 would be a double.
  • 3B8: Betts does not have a triple on his card.
  • HR: 27-35 is a home run, and note that the dice roll we showed above would have been a home run, with the 2-12 roll of 9 putting it on Betts card, and then the 27 falling in this home run range.
  • Deep: 36-37 is a deep drive that will either result in a home run or be caught but deep enough to allow any runner to advance a base, based on a new roll of the 11-88 dice. If you choose to play the game without choosing a ballpark, then 11-48 is a home run and  51-88 is a deep fly. If you treated the pitcher friendly Dodgers as the host team playing in Dodger Stadium (bolded on chart below), then only 11-17 is a home run and 18-88 is a deep drive (referred to as 'SacFly" below, though technically it is not scored as a SacFly unless a player scores from third base).

ParkDuring Game There
ARIHR if 11-56, SacFly if 57-88
ATLHR if 11-68, SacFly if 71-88
BaltHR if 11-62, SacFly if 63-88
Bost HR if 11-76, SacFly if 77-88
CHCHR if 11-55, SacFly if 56-88
CINHR if 11-82, SacFly if 83-88
Cle HR if 11-66, SacFly if 67-88
ColHR if 11-86, SacFly if 87-88
CWSHR if 11-35, SacFly if 36-88
DetHR if 11-58, SacFly if 61-88
HouHR if 11-62, SacFly if 63-88
KCHR if 11-72, SacFly if 73-88
LAAHR if 11-48, SacFly if 51-88
LADHR if 11-17, SacFly if 18-88
MiaHR if 11-26, SacFly if 27-88
MILHR if 11-48, SacFly if 51-88
MinHR if 11-48, SacFly if 51-88
NYMHR if 11-12, SacFly if 13-88
NYYHR if 11-42, SacFly if 43-88
OakHR if 11-13, SacFly if 14-88
PhilHR if 11-63, SacFly if 64-88
PITHR if 11-33, SacFly if 34-88
SDHR if 11-34, SacFly if 35-88
Sea HR if 11-22, SacFly if 23-88
SFHR if 11-23, SacFly if 24-88
STLHR if 11-26, SacFly if 27-88
TBHR if 11-26, SacFly if 27-88
TexHR if 11-86, SacFly if 87-88
TorHR if 11-48, SacFly if 51-88
WashHR if 11-83, SacFly if 84-88
NeutralHR if 11-48, SacFly if 51-88

  • K: 38-41 is a strike out for Betts - only 2 numbers compared to the average 17 strikeouts on a batter's card.
  • W: 42-48 is a walk.
  • HPB: 51 indicated Betts goes to 1st base after being hit by a pitch.
  • Out: 52-58 is an out (chart further down will indicate who fields the out).

Pitcher at Bat

The bottom line of each pitcher's card gives the results when he is batting.

When Fried bats with Buhler pitching, this line indicates he singles on a roll up to 17 (11-17), he doubles up to 25 (18-25), he homers on 26, and then all pitchers at bat strike out up to a 48, are walked on 51 and are out on 52-88. Whenever you decide to bunt with a pitcher, consider him Sac: BB. Pitchers are not allowed to hit and run. 

These batting ranges are pulled from several possible cards that match the pitcher's career OPS. Fried is one of the best hitting pitchers in baseball and one of few who use the normal process of starting with the opposing pitcher's PB to see if the action is on his card. Buhler is an above average hitter, but he and the vast majority of pitchers at bat skip the opposing pitcher's PB 2-12 roll and always use their card for the 11-88 roll.

Therefore, when Buhler hits with Fried or any other opposing pitcher, we ignore that pitcher's card, and Buhler singles up to 14 (11-14), doubles up to 16 (15-16) and like all other pitchers then strikes out up to 48, walks on a 51, and is out on 52-88, but has the option of Sac: BB if a runner is on 1st and or 2nd base.

Right vs. Left Possible Adjustments on rolls of 11-14 or 85-88

One exception to the results above on either the pitcher or batter card can occur if the 11-88 roll is in either the 11-14 range or the 85-88 range. To determine this adjustment, refer near the bottom right to the "Cht" on the batters card. This will include a RP, RN, SP, SN, LP or LN to indicate if the batter hits right-handed, left-handed or is a switch hitter, and if he is considered a power hitter for normal. 

However, the most important item is the number that follows those two letters. If a "--/--" appears then no adjustment is made to any of the 11-88 results listed above. On Betts card you will find a 12/88. 

The 12/ to the left indicates that any 11-88 roll up to a 12 (so 11 or 12) against a left-handed pitcher is changed from a hit to a strikeout. Since Fried is a left-handed pitcher, this result would be changed to a strikeout whether or not the action was on the pitcher or batters card. 

The /88 to the right indicates that if an 88 occurred on Betts card or a right-handed pitcher he was facing, then the result would be changed from an "Out" to a single with all runners advancing two bases. Normally if there is a split it is in the opposite order, with left-handed batters hitting better against right-handed pitchers and vice versa.

If you look at the first three Braves batters in the top row at the top of this blog, Acuna hits just was well against all pitchers "--/--," while Freeman hits better against right-handed pitchers (13 indicates strikeout on 11-13 against left-handed pitchers, while 88 indicates single with runners advancing two bases on an 88), while Ozuna hits better against left-handed pitchers (85 indicates 85-88 are singles, runners advancing two bases against left-handed pitchers, while 11 indicates he strikes out on 11 against right-handed pitchers. Just remember the number LEFT of the solidus (/) indicates a changed result against left-handed pitchers, and a number RIGHT of the solidus means a changed result against a right-handed pitcher, and you only need to check for this if the number is between 11-14 or 85-88.

20-sided die

The 20-sided die is ignored on all rolls unless the result of the play is an Out OR if a 18 or 19 results on a hit.

Errors - Possible if 20-sided Die Results in 18 or 19

An Error can only result if a 18 or 19 is rolled on the 20-sided die on an "Out" or "Hit." Determining if an error did occur takes two steps:

1. Determine which player attempts to make a play. 

a. On a 1B7 or 2B7 the ball is hit to the LF, on a 1B8, 2B8 or 3B8 it is hit to the CF, and on a 1B9 or 2B9 it is hit to the RF. 

b. On an Out or 1bf, roll the two 6-sided dice again and use the result to which fielder attempts to make a play. A roll of 2 or 3 = 1b (ball hit to 1st baseman), 4 = P, 5 = CF, 6 = 3B, 7 = SS, 8 = 2B, 9 = LF, 10 = C, 11 = RF, 12 = SS.

c. Once you determine the fielder, look for the E rating near the top of his card. If Betts were Out, the 20-sided die were an "18" or "19," and then the new roll of the two 6-sided die were a "7" then the ball would be hit to the Braves' shortstop Swanson, who has an E4 on his fielding line (SS CD3 E4).  

d. In our sample Braves and Dodgers line-ups, 17 of 18 players are playing their primary position (1st listed) and like Swanson use their E figure. However, recall that the Dodgers' Taylor is not playing his 1st position of SS, where he would be an E6, but his card indicates +1 if LF or 2B, so if a Brave hit the ball to LF then he would attempt to field it but with an E7. Note that his card also indicates that he is an E8 if he plays CF or 2B. If any player plays at a position not listed on his card at all, then he is an E10 at that position.

2. Determine if the player makes an error.

a. Once you determine to whom the ball is hit, roll the 20-sided die again to determine if he makes a play or makes an error.

b. 1-10 is a possible 1-base error. If the roll is equal to or less than the fielder's E number then it is a 1-base error. Swanson is an E4, so a roll of 1-4 is an error.

c. 11-20 is a possible 2-base error. The scale is the same but 10 higher, so for Swanson's 4 an 11-14 is a 2-page error. 

d. Therefore on a roll of 5-10 or 15-20, Swanson would make the play. Any time an out is made after checking for an error, all runners advance. For  infielders (C, P, 1B, 2B, 3B or SS) this is a groundout with runners advancing, while for an outfielder (LF, CF, RF) this is a deep fly ball and runners advance. However, if this occurs on a hit, the outfielder holds all baserunners to one base.

Refer to chart below on Rolls of 1-17 on 20-sided Die after an Out

If an Out occurs and the 20-sided die is a 1 to 17, find the base situation (Out, bases empty, Man on 1st, through Bases Loaded). The result will tell you who made the play, but also if any runners on base advance or hold their bases. Note that most batters hit into double plays on a roll of 1-4, however because Betts' OBR is A he beats out the double play grounder on a 2-4 and only hits into a double play on a 1. . 

"20" on the 20-sided Dice with Anyone on Base Changes Everything

Dice roll of 20 is a flyout to centerfield (F8) if no one is on base and the result is an Out. If anyone is on base, ignore the PB and instead use the two 6-sided dice with a 2-4 resulting in a Clutch Batting (BD) chance, a 5-9 resulting in a Clutch Fielding (CD) chance or a 10-12 resulting in an unusual Z-Play.

BD on roll of 2, 3 or 4 on two 6-sided dice in addition to "20" die

On a Clutch Batting result, the 11-88 roll is instead used to reference the bottom line of the batter's card. For Betts, an 11-17 would be a base clearing double (BD-2B), and 18-35 is a Clutch Home Run (BD-HR) and anything else (36-88) is a foul drive and the batter is still at the plate.k

CD on roll of 5 through 9 on two 6-sided dice in addition to "20" die

On a "20" roll where the PB would have been 5 through 9 use the two 6-sided dice to pick a position below, and the 11 to 88 on the chart. If Betts were hitting with anyone on base and the 20 was on the 20-sided die, and the two 6-sided dice were a 1 and a 6, then the chart below shows Betts hit the ball to 1st base where the Braves' first baseman Freeman would try to make a Clutch Defensive play. On any roll of the two 6-sided dice that results in a 5 to 8 you need to look at both of those dice to determine which fielder has a chance for a Clutch Defensive play.

5 - CF
6 (1 & 5) - LF
6 (2 & 4) - RF
6 (3 & 3) - P
7 (1 & 6) - 1B (Braves Freeman in example)
7 (2 & 5) - 2B
7 (3 & 4) - 3B
8 (4 & 4) - C
8 (2 & 6 or 3 & 5) - SS
9 - CF

Once you determine the fielder attempting to make the Clutch Defensive Play, read the 11-88 dice to determine the result of the play. Freeman has a CD4 at 1st base, so an 11-48 is a line out with Freeman doubling off the lead runner. On a 51-68, Freeman comes up with a grounder and can either throw out a lead runner who is not forced, or if a man is on 1st turn a double play (for example, with men on first and third and 0 outs, Freeman could either throw home for one out, or throw to second base to start a double play and allow the runner to score from 3rd base). On a 71-84 a single gets past him and runners go two bases. And on an 85-88, a line drive gets past him down the line for a base-clearing double.

Z on roll of 10 to 12 on two 6-sided dice in addition to "20" die

On a "20" roll where the PB would have been 10 through 12 refer to the Z Chart of unusual
plays below.

Z Chart Results
11 - Catcher ejected
12 - Pitcher ejected
13 - Batter ejected
14 - Single, P, C & 1b ejected
15 - Batter ejected
16 - Pitcher ejected
17 - Walk for pitcher going to mouth
18 - Batter out for illegal bat
21 - Rain delay, both pitchers PB lowered by 2
22 - Rain delay, both pitchers PB lowered by 2
23 - Rain delay, both pitchers PB lowered by 2
24 - Rain delay, both pitchers PB lowered by 1
25 - Rain delay, both pitchers PB lowered by 1
26 - Rain delay, both pitchers PB lowered by 1
27 - Double, but if runner on 1st ruled out for batter passing
28 - Strikeout, wild pitch, batter safe at 1st as long as 1st base not occupied OR if 2 outs and all runners advance
31 - Apparent double erased, batter out for missing 1st base and gets credit for single
32 - If man on first, steals and SS ejected
33 - Runner out stealing second and batter ejected
34 - IF man on first, picked off 1-3-4-3 but a runner on 3b scores
35 - IF man on first, picked off 1-3-6, all others advance
36 - If man on 3rd, catcher picks off
37 - Strikeout, passed ball batter safe at first if unoccopied or 2 outs
38 - Single runners advance 2, but batter out rounding 1st
41 - Batter out for running into slow roller
42 - Only if runners on 1st and 2nd, grounder hits runner on 1st who is ruled out but batter gets hit (if runners not on 1st and 2nd, then ignore)
43 - Catcher interference, batter gets 1st
44 - Batter out on Fan interference
(Note: Original games had a 2nd fielding chart, but those results are now below.)
45: If 1B is CD 3 or 4, double play 3-6-3 others advance. If CD 1 or 2, batter out all runners advance. (ignore if no one on 1st base)
46: If 2B is CD 3 or 4, double play 4-6-3 others advance. If CD 1 or 2, batter out all runners advance. (ignore if no one on 1st base)
47: If SS is CD 3 or 4, double play 6-4-3 others advance. If CD 1 or 2, batter out all runners advance. (ignore if no one on 1st base)
48: If 3B is CD 3 or 4, double play 5-4-3 others advance. If CD 1 or 2, batter out all runners advance. (ignore if no one on 1st base)
51-52: If P is CD 3 or 4, double play 3-6-3 others advance. If CD 1 or 2, batter out all runners advance. (ignore if no one on 1st base)
53-54: Difficult grounder, runners advance one base. E0 - E3 at 1B gets batter out, otherwise infield single.
55-56: Difficult grounder, runners advance one base. E0 - E3 at 2b gets batter out, otherwise infield single.
57-58: Difficult grounder, runners advance one base. E0 - E4 at SS gets batter out, otherwise infield single.
61-62: Difficult grounder, runners advance one base. E0 - E5 at 3b gets batter out, otherwise infield single.
63-66: Difficult fly ball in gap, E0 - E1 in LF makes catch for out and runners hold, otherwise double and all runners score.
67-72: Difficult fly ball in gap, E0 - E2 in CF makes catch for out and runners hold, otherwise double and all runners score.
73-76: Difficult fly ball in gap, E0 - E2 in RF makes catch for out and runners hold, otherwise double and all runners score.
77: TRIPLE PLAY POSSIBLE. Line out to SS if men on 1st and 2nd, to 3B if 1st and 3rd, 2b if 2nd and 3rd, and P if bases loaded. Get new PB number and if 2-6 then triple play, but if new PB is 7-12 then only double play with lead runner doubled off.
78 - Pitcher injured on line drive single.
81 - Catcher injured on foul tip.
82 - 1st Baseman injured chasing foul.
83 - 2nd Baseman injured, line drive single.
84 - Shortstop injured, line drive single.
85 - 3rd Baseman injured chasing foul.
86 - Leftfielder injured, double.
87 - Centerfielder injured, double.
88 - Rightfielder injured, double.

Because we use projected stats we do not have "fluke" cards from players based on just a few games played, we do not need injured players to miss long stretches of the season. Therefore, the player is only injured for the game being played or the rest of a series against the same team.

Pitcher's Stamina and Rest

The mini scoresheet includes an "SR" which is a way to track when a pitcher runs out of endurance and should be replaced.

Fried's SR/RR: 14/4 indicates his endurance as a starting pitcher is 14, and as a reliever is 4. The SR is reduced everything time a player reaches first base or if he scores against the pitcher, unless this resulted on a play in which either was caused by an error in the advanced rules or if any of the runners who scored were not put on base by that pitcher. A pitcher who allows a grand slam run would would have his SR (or RR if he was relieving) reduced by 5 for that play because one player reached 1st base on the play and that player and three others scored. The pitcher's SR (or RR for relievers) is also reduced by 1 every time he completes an inning. When the SR or RR hits 0 he is out of endurance.

A second way a pitcher can run out of endurance is based on innings pitched. Buhler averages 4.9 innings pitcher per game, and he is allowed to finish the complete inning (to 5) plus one additional inning (to the end of the 6th inning) before his endurance is used up. For a reliever, he is endurance is gone after his RR is used up, or after the complete inning just above his average (e.g. a reliever who averages 0.9 innings per appearance can only pitch one inning, while a reliever who averages 1.2 can pitch two innings.

When a pitcher's endurance ends in either of those ways, he is usually replaced in the game by a reliever, however if he is left in the game then:

  • His PB is reduced by 1 immediately, so Fried would drop from a PB: 2-8 to a PB: 2-7.
  • As long as he stayed in the game after that, his PB would be reduced one more every time a runner reaches first base or scores, or an inning ends. So if Fried dropped to a PB: 2-7 by running out of endurance, and then gave up a single, he would drop to a PB: 4-7, and then if the inning ended and he stayed in the game for the start of the next inning he would be a PB: 2-6, and so forth down to a PB: 2-2, or after that was reduced, then the game would be played with the 11-88 roll going straight on the batters. card.

As for rest between games, we play a starters pitches every four games and a reliever must rest one game after each appearance. This allows them to pitch a bit more frequently then they would in a normal season, so you may choose to make different rest rules. 

Stealing or Taking an Extra Base on a Hit

The OBR/STL: A/B rating on Betts card indicates he is an excellent base-runner (A is the best base-running rating and E is the worst) and B indicates he is a good base-stealer (AA is the best, and E is the worst). 

In most cases once a runner reaches base he advances as many bases as a following batter on a hit (1 base on a single, 2 bases on a double or 3 bases on a triple).

However, a baserunner can try to steal a base or take one extra base on a hit. The following chart is used to determine if he is successful in taking the extra base.

LF 1st to 3rdT2T3T4T5 2nd to HomeT2T3T4T5
OBR: A11-3611-3211-2611-22 OBR: A11-4211-3611-3211-26
OBR: B11-3211-2611-2211-16 OBR: B11-3611-3211-2611-22
OBR: C11-2611-2211-1611-12 OBR: C11-3211-2611-2211-16
OBR: D11-3211-1611-1211-11 OBR: D11-2611-3211-1611-12
OBR: E11-2611-1211-1111-11 OBR: E11-1211-1111-1111-11
CF 1st to 3rdT2T3T4T5 1st to HomeT2T3T4T5
OBR: A11-4211-3611-3211-26 OBR: A11-2611-2211-1611-12
OBR: B11-3611-3211-2611-22 OBR: B11-2211-1611-1211-11
OBR: C11-3211-2611-2211-16 OBR: C11-1611-1211-1111-11
OBR: D11-2611-3211-1611-12 OBR: D11-1211-1111-1111-11
OBR: E11-1211-1111-1111-11 OBR: E11-1111-1111-1111-11
RF 1st to 3rdT2T3T4T5 StealingSafe CatchOut
OBR: A11-5611-5211-4611-42 STL: AA11-48 TA74-88
OBR: B11-5211-4611-4211-36 STL: A11-42 TB78-88
OBR: C11-4611-4211-3611-32 STL: B11-34 TC84-88
OBR: D11-4211-3611-3211-26 STL: C11-26   
OBR: E11-3611-3211-2611-22 STL: D11-18  3B+6

Taking an Extra Base on a Hit

If Betts were on 1st base when another batter hits a single to centerfield, then his OBR A/ is used on the chart above, but you also need to reference the throwing arm of the opposing centerfielder. In this case, the Braves' centerfielder Acuna has a T3 under this name, which is just an average throwing arm (T5 is the best, T2 is the worst).

First find the chart for a hit to CF with the runner trying to go from 1st to 3rd base, then cross reference Betts' OBR: A with Acuna's T3 and you will see that he takes the extra base on a 11-88 roll of 11-36.  

If the hit occurs with 2 outs, then add 20 to the range so he takes 3rd base on an 11-56, and if the hit number can be divided by 4 (12, 16, 24, 28, etc.) then add another 20, so the range is 11-56 with less than 2 outs for 11-76 with 2 outs.

However, just because a runner is not successful in taking an extra base, does not mean he is out. Overall, runners successfully take an extra base only 30% of the time but are only thrown out at the next base 1% of the time. The runner can only be thrown out in the 80s:

A T5 outfielder throws out a runner on an 81-88.
A T4 outfielder throws out a runner on 83-88.
A T3 outfielder (like Acuna) throws out a runner on 85-88.
A T2 outfielder throws out a runner on a 87-88.

Stealing a Base

While 5 of the 6 charts above give all situations on taking an extra base on a hit, the bottom right chart deals with stealing 2nd base.

Since Betts is a STL: B, he steal 2nd base if the 11-88 roll is between 11-34.

If a player tries to steal 3rd base, then add 6 to the roll, so a roll of 31 would give him a steal of 2nd base, but if stealing 3rd base the +6 changes that roll from 31 to 37 and he would not steal 3rd base.

As with taking an extra base on a hit, normally when a runner is unable to steal, it just means he could not get a jump and held his base (you can only try to steal once per batter at the plate). 

If Betts tried to steal against the Braves in this game you would use d'Arnaud's TC throwing arm, meaning he would only be out on an 84-88. However, if Betts tried to steal 3rd base and the roll was a 78 then you would need to +6 so he would be out stealing 3rd base.

If a Braves player tried to steal in this game, then they would be out on 78-88 when stealing 2nd against Smith, a TB, and if trying to steal 3rd base then numbers down to 72 would be an out stealing. The best catcher's throwing arm is a TA, which throws would-be base stealers down to 74-88, with as low as a 68 throwing out a would-be runner at 3rd base.

Skipping the 2-12 Dice to Hit & Run.

Betts HR: 1 number at the top of the card indicates he is good as a hit & run batter. Any time a player is on 1st base, or 1st and 3rd base, the batting team can choose to have the base runner take off running to attempt a hit & run by rolling only the 11-88 dice and using the following results. Most players are a HR: 0 meaning they are not good at the hit & run play, while a few are even better than Betts at it with a HR: 2. 

Use these results for Betts or any HR: 1 player, but ADD +6 to the 11-88 roll if the player is an HR: 0 (most players) and SUBTRACT 4 for the few players that are even better than Betts with an HR: 2.

  • 11-24: Single to CF, runner advances 2 bases.
  • 25-28: Double to LF, runner scores, BUT if pitcher PB 2-7 or better, ground out to second base and runners advance.
  • 31: Triple to RF.
  • 32-33: Misses pitch, runner must try to steal and if result is neither a steal or thrown out on the chart, then he is out stealing.
  • 34-58: Grounder to second, runners advance.
  • 61-63: Foul, roll all dice again and use PB, but lower 2-12 by 2 (so a 9 is now on the card of a PB: 2-7 pitcher rather than on the batter's card.
  • 64-67: Fly to LF, T5 at left field turns into double play by throwing runner out returning to 1st.
  • 68-73: Fly to CF, T5 at left field turns into double play by throwing runner out returning to 1st.
  • 74-77: Fly to RF, T5 at left field turns into double play by throwing runner out returning to 1st.
  • 78-82: Line-out to pitcher, runner on 1st doubled off.
  • 83-88: Batter strikes out, and runner thrown out stealing.

Skipping the 2-12 Dice to Bunt

Bunting is rarely used any more, and like most players Betts is a Sac: DD meaning he did not lay down any bunts. For any pitcher at bat use a Sac: BB, and the best rating for a bunter is a Sac: AA. You can choose to bunt instead of trying to hit by rolling just one 6-sided dice with the following results:

1-2 = Successful bunt, runners on 1st base or 2nd base advance, batter out.

3 = Successful bunt if SAC: CC, BB or AA, otherwise batter strikes out on foul.

4 = Successful bunt if SAC: BB or AA, otherwise batter strikes out on foul.

5 = Successful bunt if SAC: AA, otherwise batter strikes out on foul.

6 = Hard bunt, lead runner thrown out.

This wraps up the instructions to play the game. If you like the game, we do recommend you visit the Statis-Pro Advanced Facebook page (not affiliated with us) or other Statis-Pro sites you might google to order the game or other player cards. To report any errors you find, ask questions, or for anyone who produces other Statis-Pro cards and would like to produce printed copies of these cards for sale, simply email pudnerjohn@gmail.com or call or text 404.606.3163 and I am happy to give permission to reprint. Also note that except for the highly accurate Statis-Pro Advanced cards, the pitcher cards we produce feature much more accurate hit, walk and strikeout ranges than other versions because the initial charts produced when the game was invented years ago were very inaccurate. All cards are fine, except for one ridiculous set that miscalculates many pitchers as having hit ranges into the 30s, but our ranges are just more accurate to yield the correct number of strikeouts as well as hits and walks allowed. However, we do use simplified fielding calculations that base errors, clutch defense and throwing arms all on the new all-inclusive BsR stat for defensive runs saved, rather than using fielding averages for the E rating from a shortened season. We do also give all gold glove nominees from the past few years an automatic CD: 5.

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