Thursday, November 29, 2018

Statis-Pro Cards: All-Star Line-ups for Canada, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Japan, Puerto Rico, Venezuela

The following are the lineups for each of the six national All-Star teams we are using to play off Statis-Pro games for 6 teams. You can access 2019 Projections for all anticipated Major League players and key players who retired this year - and that list can be sorted by current MLB team or other breakdowns. Learn to play Statis-Pro Baseball in 5 minutes by clicking here.

For each team below, the first "all" line is an extra borderline player that can be used if any team runs out of players and wants to pinch hit. We then show the batter order we are using followed by reserves. The guide for results follows.

If the action is on the card of Vladimir Guerrero Jr., which is the second batter in our lineup for Canada. If the PB number on the opposing pitcher's card puts the action on Guerrero's card, then a random number of 11-23 is a single, a 22-27 is a double, there is no triple, a 33-37 is a home run, he has no strikeouts, a 38-42 is a walk, a 43 is a hit by pitch, and a 44-88 is an out.

His baserunning speed when trying to take an extra base is average (OBR: C) and he has very little speed for stealing a base (OBR: D). He is a rare player who is a GREAT Hit & Run 2 player (almost everyone is an H&R 0). He is still more likely than average to commit an error (6), and he does not have a throwing arm rating because that is only separate for catchers (TA-TC) or outfielders (T2-T5).

His only position is third base, and his clutch defense ability there on a scale of 1 to 4 is the lowest - a 1, so it reads 3b-1. He is projected to have 550 plate appearances, and his estimated OPS = .865, a number just to give a person playing the game an idea of who the best hitters are.

If runners are on base, you can determine which outfielder fields the ball based on the second digit of the Random Number for a hit. An OBR: A has an infield single on an 11 or 12, and an OBR: B on an 11. Otherwise, a number that ends in 1 or 2 (11,12,21,22,31,32) is to the opposite field (a left-hander hits it to left fielder or a right-hander to right field), a number ending in 3, 4 or 5 goes to centerfield, and a 6, 7 or 8 is pulled:

Canada and the Netherlands (and their former Netherland Antilles) and any other players born in a country closer to the North Pole than the Equator

The Japan/Korea line-up followed by the Puerto Rican line-up

The Dominican Republic Line-up

The Venezuela Line-up

The Cuban Line-up

Here are other links to help

Updated Summaries and Standings of us playing off the 6 international teams
All-Star batters from all 6 international teams
All-Star pitchers from all 6 international teams

1              Statis-Pro Game Made Simple - Google Sheet with line-by-line instructions on how to pla
2              Additional Examples of How to Play - this link shows photos of cards, dice etc. in addition to instructions
 3             Statis-Pro Cards view - a third option for learning to play includes all of the Statis-Pro cards for the 2018 Indians and Yankees to let you play a whole game with actual cards (if you cut them out) instead of the charts provided)
4              Chart to Use when Player result is "Out"            
5              Baserunning - trying to take an extra base on a hit            
6              Create Your Own cards for additional players     

7              Statis-Pro Rookie Cards projected in 2018   

8              Playing teams from different eras     

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