Saturday, December 21, 2019

Value Add Basketball Game Player Cards - Various Options

The instructions for the Value Add Basketball Game now includes links top pull the players for all 96 great teams and print without needing to access google sheets, pdfs or doc. However, we kept the other cards previously created to give you other options.

Step 2 - Print Out 2 Teams to Play 

Pick the two teams you want to play using one of the following links. If you want to look over all 96 all-time great teams you can pull up this google sheet to view them in list form. This has all the information for each player card, but each player is one row so it would be time consuming to try to play a game looking at all the info in spreadsheet form.

Option 1 - Player Cards for Sample Game Between Kansas and Kentucky

If you want to play one game using the Kentucky 2012 vs. Kansas 2008 player cards in our examples below, then click on the two images below:

Option 2 - Vertical Player Cards for all 96 Great Teams

The following links connect to a total of 96 all-time great teams in PDFs stored on google drive. These are the easiest to print because they are four to a page. They contain all the same information as the cards above, but are vertical rather than horizontal. The image at the top of this blog shows four of those cards.

Click here for an alphabetical list of teams including at least one player with an updated range which is not yet incorporated into the pdf below but can be made manually for more accurate play.
PDFs of player cards appear below (if you printed cards prior to mid-December, you may want to go to this blog showing the changes made to certainly cards from before many stats like 3-pointers, blocked shots and steals - based on things like how key players performed in these areas once in the NBA):

Alabama 1977 to Duke 2010 updated 12/15/2019

Florida 2006 to Iowa 2001 updated 12/15/2019 oops dedupe program saw duplicate Patrick Ewing Georgetown cards and eliminated the Hall of Fame dad and left his son. Here is the key card to add:

Kansas 1957 to LSU 2006 updated 12/15/2019 AND Loyola 1963 Team Corrected

Marquette 1977 to Notre Dame 1970 updated 12/16/2019

Ohio State 1960 to Purdue 2018 updated 12/16/2019

San Diego State 2011 to Texas Southern (UTEP) 1966 updated 12/16/2019

UCLA 1972 to Wyoming 1943 updated 12/15/2019 (note includes UNC 1982, while "North Carolina" 2005 is in Marquette to Notre Dame link above)

Option 3 - Horizontal Player Cards for Great 21st Century Teams

If you prefer the layout of the horizontal cards in Option 1, you can click on the original 21st Century great teams and six additional 21st Century teams added later. The 20th Century teams only appear in the vertical form in Option 2. These files are in Google Docs, but are larger files so can eat up memory and take longer to open and print, and they just print one card to a sheet of paper so do use a lot more paper.

Option 4 - Horizontal Player Cards for all 2018-2019 Teams

Also available in horizontal form are all 353 teams from the 2018-2019 season. These are on Google Sheets, so printing takes a bit more effort as you likely want to define only the sections in cards from the teams you want to print, and then print selection only. You can go to a range of teams, or click on all of the all-conference teams.

If you prefer the layout of the horizontal cards in Option 1, you can click on the original 21st Century great teams and six additional 21st Century teams added later. The 20th Century teams only appear in the vertical form in Option 2. These files are in Google Docs, but are larger files so can eat up memory and take longer to open and print, and they just print one card to a sheet of paper so do use a lot more paper.

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