Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Instrucciones de béisbol de Statis-pro: con el juego de práctica de Puerto Rico vs. República Dominicana

Nivel 1 - Juego de béisbol simple (Ignorar todas las cursivas)

Una forma fácil de ver cómo se desarrolla el juego es hacer clic aquí para ver el explosivo

  ¡Juego de República Dominicana vs Puerto Rico jugamos entre grandes de todos los tiempos y vemos quién ganó!

Solo necesitas los dados mencionados en A y B y las hojas de jugadores debajo del "Juego de muestra" a continuación.

A. Dados tradicionales de 6 caras para la clasificación PB de 2 a 12 para determinar si se utilizó una carta de lanzador o bateador

B. Dos dados de 8 lados de diferentes colores para crear un número aleatorio de 11 a 88 tcher para encontrar uno de

estos resultados; 1B (simple), BK * (balk); K (Strikeout); W (caminar), PB * (pelota pasada), WP * (lanzamiento salvaje),

2B (doble), 3B (triple), HR (home run), HPB (golpeado por bola lanzada), Out (Out) * Si no hay nadie en la base, entonces

BK, WP y PB también se convierten en outs: si las bases están vacías, los corredores ascienden por una base. Mantenga un registro de

número de outs y hombres en la base después de cada bateador hasta tres outs, luego deja que otro equipo golpee.

Una vez que un corredor está en la base, puede usar una de estas tres opciones antes de que llegue el siguiente bateador,

pero una OBR E puede no intentar obtener una base adicional, y SP E puede no intentar robar.

base extra en golpe
Robo de base
Bunt béisbol
OBR A,B,C Xtra base extra en golpe        
SP AA, A, B or C roba base    
Sacrificio bunt, OBR A: Un bateador seguro para golpear
OBR A or B base extra en golpe
SP AA, A or B roba base
Sacrificio bunt
OBR A base extra en golpe
SP AA or A roba base
Sacrificio bunt
Base extra si fuera 2
Only SP AA roba base
Sacrificio bunt
Detiene tantas bases como la mezcla
Mantener en el nivel 1 (en el nivel 3, TA lo descarta)

Fuera (Nivel 3 tira de nuevo y número más bajo o = T brazo está fuera, otros seguro)
Etiqueta de cierre, 50/50 de salida / seguro (vuelva a tirar y 1-3 sale, 4-6 de seguridad, pero en el nivel 3 TA o TB hacia fuera)
Líder Runner fuera

Nivel 2: el juego básico siguiente requiere el dado de 20 caras
  Si tiene un dado de 20 lados, use la tabla a continuación para todos los resultados "Abandonados" para agregar la posibilidad de corredores avanza cuando el bateador está fuera, o el bateador golpea en una doble jugada. 1. Doble jugada 6-4-3 (cualquier Doble jugada cuando nadie en la 1ª, se saca la masa) 2. Double Play 4-6-3 * OBR Un bate bate el tiro a 1st 3. Double Play 5-4-3, OBR A o B batter bate el tiro a 1st 4. Double Play 3-6-3 *, OBR A, B o C bate bate bate a la 1ra. 5. Double Play, OBR A, B o C batter bate el throw a 1st (si te importa la posición, el más alto 6 lados muere determina con 1 = P, 2 = C, 3 = 1b, 4 = 2b, 5 = 3b, 6 = SS. En el tercer out o si nadie en la primera base en un doble juego anterior, el tiro es a la 1ra base para out. Con 1ra y 3ra base, la defensa puede decir INFIELD IN antes del lanzamiento, y en lugar del doble play bateador y corredores ahora 2nd y 3ra base. ** Si solo el hombre en la base está en 2da, avanza si la pelota golpea a 1b o 2b (2, 4, 5, 8) 6. Lead forzado (home, 2b o 1b runner out), otros avanzan (grounder a 3rd) 7. Plomo forzado (home, 2b o 1b runner out), otros avanzan (roleta a SS) 8. Lead forzado * (home, 2b o 1b runner out), otros avanzan (grounder a second) 9. Salida de línea (al número más alto 1-6 de dos vueltas del dado - 1 = p, 2 = c, 3 = 1b, 4 = 2b, 5 = 3b, 6 = ss) 10. Mosca de infield (posición determinada como en "9", para que el receptor cambie a emergente) 11. Vuela hacia el jardín izquierdo, los corredores se mantienen (el bateador zurdo vuela hacia el jardín derecho) 12. Vuela hacia el jardín izquierdo, sostienen los corredores 13. Vuela hacia el jardín central, OBR A en el segundo o tercer avance 14. Vuela hacia el jardín central, corredor OBR A o B en el 2 ° o 3 ° avance 15. Vuela al jardín derecho, corredor en segundo o tercer avance 16. La masa está afuera, los corredores avanzan (1b a P cubriendo) 17. Base de bateo, corredores avanzan (C si PB es un número par, o P si PB impar a 1ra base) 18 o 19. Los corredores de tierra avanzan (el mismo dado que el 9 anterior le importa la posición) En el juego Tier 3-Advanced, siempre verifica si hay un error en un 18 o 19 si se trata de un golpe o fuera. 20. Vuela hacia CF, pero en el Nivel 3-Avanzado, mira el amarillo a continuación.

Nivel 2 - Juego de muestra Para jugar, solo necesitas cartas de jugador y los dados que se muestran a continuación. Puedes pedir todas las cartas actuales o cartas para equipos grandiosos de todos los tiempos, pero puedes comenzar jugando un juego de nivel 1 o nivel 2 usando las cartas de algunos de los mejores jugadores de la República Dominicana y Puerto Rico para el primer juego que jugado Haga clic aquí para practicar buscando rollos en las tarjetas y leyendo la explicación o los resultados. Elegí esta alineación de Cedar Cedeño al comienzo y jugando en el jardín central, luego Hanley Ramírez bateando segundo y jugando campocorto, etc. También puedes hacer tus propias cartas.

Luego eliges un lanzador, entonces en este caso elegí a Ed Figeroa para lanzar para Puerto Rico contra República Dominicana. También incluyo dos grandes lanzadores del Salón de la Fama de la República Dominicana, por lo que puedes elegir cualquiera de los dos contra la alineación puertorriqueña a continuación.

La alineación anterior tiene 9 bateadores incluyendo un bateador designado, pero si prefieres que golpeen a los lanzadores, cuando vienen al bate saltea el PB y tira solo los dados 11-88, con 1b7: 11-12, 1B8: 13- 14, 1B9: 15-16, 2B8: 17, K: 18-52, W: 53-54, Salida 55-88) OBR: E, SP: E, Sac CC. Luego necesitas los siguientes dados para determinar qué sucede cuando Figueroa lanza a Cedeño para comenzar el juego: A. Dos dados de 6 caras para determinar si se debe usar la carta del lanzador en función de su PB superior (tirada de 2-7 la mantiene en la carta de Figueroa basada en el grande y audaz "7") cuando Juan Marichal o Pedro Martinez lanzan contra la alineación puertorriqueña lo mantienen en su tarjeta en cualquier tirada de 2-8, por lo que la tarjeta de bateador puertorriqueño se usa si la tirada es de 9-12. Los mejores relevistas obtienen la mejor tarjeta, un 2-9, y ocasionalmente un abridor como Bob Gibson obtiene un 2-9. Los peores lanzadores son un 2-5. B. Dos dados de 8 lados de diferentes colores (o este simulador de dados o cartas de acción rápida) para obtener un resultado de 11-88 para encontrar en esa carta. Básicamente, una de las cuatro cosas sucede; a, OUT si el 11-88 muestra K o Out; 2, el corredor puede basarse en un W o HBP; 3, cualquier corredor avanza una base en un BK, PB o WP, PERO si no hay nadie en la base, eso resulta en un out; o finalmente, 4, el bateador recibe un golpe (1b, 2b, 3b o HR).

Si has jugado al béisbol Statis-Pro antes y todavía tienes un mazo de cartas de acción rápida, puedes usarlas en lugar de los dados (o utilizar el simulador de dados para todos en

En este ejemplo, la tirada de 9 en los dados azules está fuera del rango de 2-7 de Figeroa, por lo que el resultado vendrá de la tarjeta de bateo de Cedeño ya que él está primero en orden en el ejemplo que dimos arriba.

República Dominicana y Puerto Rico para el primer juego que jugamos Haga clic aquí

Una vez que el equipo de República Dominicana pateó en nuestro juego de muestra, hicimos que Juan Marichal (tarjeta arriba) lanzara contra esta alineación para Puerto Rico, así que compare estos números de jugador con el juego de muestra.

Haga clic en República Dominicana o Puerto Rico para ver a los otros lanzadores y bateadores emergentes que puede usar

en el juego y para seguir los lanzadores de alivio que utilizamos en el juego de muestra. Haga clic aquí

Ahora para cambiar al inglés:

Tier 1 - Simple Baseball Game (Ignore all italics)

An easy way to see how the game plays out is to Click here for the very explosive
Dominican Republic vs Puerto Rico game we played between all-time greats and see who won!
You just need the dice mentioned in A & B and players sheets below "Sample Game" below.

A. Traditional 6-sided dice for the PB rating of 2 to 12 to determine if pitcher or batter card used

B. Two 8-sided dice of different colors to create a Random Number of 11 to 88 tcher to find one of
these results; 1B (single), BK* (balk); K (Strikeout); W (walk), PB* (passed ball), WP* (wild pitch),
2B (double), 3B (triple), HR (home run), HPB (hit by pitched ball), Out (Out) *If noone on base then
BK, WP and PB turn into outs as well - if bases empty the runners move up a base. Keep track of the
number of outs and men on base after every batter until three outs, then let other team hit.

Once a runner is on base, you can use one of these three options before the next batter hits,
but an OBR E may not try for an extra base, and SP E may not try to steal.

extra base on  hit
Stealing base
OBR A,B,C Xtra base        
SP AA, A, B or C steals     
Sacrifice, OBR: A batter safe for hit
OBR A or B Xtra base
SP AA, A or B steals
OBR A Xtra base
SP AA or A steals
Xtra base if 2 out
Only SP AA steals
Hold base
Hold in Tier 1 (in Tier 3, TA throws out)
Out (Tier 3 roll again & number lower or = T arm is out, others safe)
Close tag, 50/50 out/safe (roll again and 1-3 is out, 4-6 safe but in Tier 3 TA or TB out)
Leader Runner out

Tier 2 - Basic game below requires the 20-sided die
If you have 20-sided die then use chart below for all "Out" results to add the chance of runners
advancing when the batter is out, or the batter hitting into a double play.

1. Double play 6-4-3 (any Double play when no one on 1st, the batter is thrown out)
2. Double Play 4-6-3* OBR A batter beats throw to 1st
3. Double Play 5-4-3, OBR A or B batter beats throw to 1st
4.      Double Play 3-6-3*, OBR A, B or C batter beats throw to 1st
5.      Double Play, OBR A, B or C batter beats throw to 1st (If you care about position, highest 6-sided die
determines with 1=P, 2=C, 3=1b, 4=2b, 5=3b, 6=SS.
On 3rd out or if noone on 1st base on a double play above, the throw is to 1st base for out. With 1st and 3rd base,
defense can say INFIELD IN before roll, and instead of double play batter out and runners now 2nd
and 3rd base.**If only man on base is on 2nd, he advances if ball hit to 1b or 2b (2, 4, 5, 8)
6.      Lead forced (home, 2b or 1b runner out), others advance (grounder to 3rd)
7.      Lead forced (home, 2b or 1b runner out), others advance (grounder to SS)
8.      Lead forced* (home, 2b or 1b runner out), others advance (grounder to second)
9.    Line out (to higher number 1-6 of two die roll - 1=p, 2=c, 3=1b, 4=2b, 5=3b, 6=ss)
10.  Infield fly (position determined like in "9", for catcher change to popup)
11.   Fly out to left field, runners hold (lefty batter is fly out to right field)
12.   Fly out to left field, runners hold
13.   Fly out to center field, OBR A on 2nd or 3rd advance
14.   Fly out to center field, runner OBR A or B on 2nd or 3rd advance
15.   Fly out to right field, runner on 2nd or 3rd advance
16.   Batter grounds out, runners advance (1b to P covering)
17.   Batter grounds out, runners advance (C if PB even number, or P if PB odd to 1st base)
18 or 19.  Ground out runners advance (same die as 9 above is you care about position)
In Tier 3-Advanced game, you always check for an error on an 18 or 19 if a hit or out.
20. Fly out to CF, but in Tier 3-Advanced, see yellow below.

Tier 2 - Sample Game
To play, you only need only player cards and the dice shown below. You can order all current cards, or cards for all-time great teams, but you can start by playing a Tier 1 or Tier 2 game using the cards of some of the great players from the Dominican Republic & Puerto Rico for the first game we played Click here to practice looking up rolls on the cards and reading the explanation or results. I chose this line-up of Cedar Cedeno leading off and playing center field, then Hanley Ramirez batting second and playing shortstop, etc. You can make your own cards as well.

Next you pick a pitcher, so in this case I chose Ed Figeroa to pitch for Puerto Rico against the Dominican Republic. I also include two great Hall of Fame pitchers from the Dominican Republic so you can choose either one to pitch against the Puerto Rican line-up below.

The line-up above has 9 batters including a DH, but if you would rather have pitchers hit, then when they come to bat skip the PB and roll only the 11-88 dice, with 1b7: 11-12, 1B8: 13-14, 1B9: 15-16, 2B8: 17, K: 18-52, W: 53-54, Out 55-88) OBR: E, SP: E, Sac CC.

Next you need the following dice to determine what happens when Figueroa pitches to Cedeno to start the game:

A. Two 6-sided dice to determine whether to use the pitcher's card based on his top PB (roll of 2-7 keeps it on Figueroa's card based on the big, bold "7.") When Juan Marichal or Pedro Martinez pitch against the Puerto Rican line-up they keep it on their card on any roll from 2-8, so the Puerto Rican batter's card is used if the roll is 9-12. The best few relievers get the best card, a 2-9, and occasionally a starter like Bob Gibson gets a 2-9. The worst pitchers are a 2-5.

B. Two 8-sided dice of different colors (or this dice simulator or Fast Action Cards) to get a result of 11-88 to find on that card. Basically, one of four things happens; a, an OUT if the 11-88 shows K or Out; 2, the runner gets to base on a W or HBP; 3, any runners advance a base on a BK, PB or WP BUT if no one is on base those result in an Out; or finally, 4, the batter gets a hit (1b, 2b, 3b or HR).

If you have played Statis-Pro baseball before and still have a deck of fast action cards, you can use them instead of the dice (or use dice simulator for all at

In this example, the roll of 9 on the blue dice is outside of Figeroa's range of 2-7, so the result will come from Cedeno's batter card since he is first in order in the example we gave above.

Dominican Republic & Puerto Rico for the first game we played Click here

Once the Dominican Republic team batted in our sample game, we had Juan Marichal (card above) pitch against this line-up for Puerto Rico, so compare these player numbers to the sample game.

Click Dominican Republic or Puerto Rico to see the other pitchers and pinch hitters you can use
in the game and to follow the relief pitchers we used in the sample game Click here

Tier 3 - Getting Cards for the Advanced Game

Tier 1 and Tier 2 games are easy to learn and play and very accurate. The only things they leave out are fielding such as making errors and throwing arm strength, chances for unusual plays and clutch defensive and offensive plays with men on base.

As you can see, the Puerto Rican and Dominican Republic cards we print above do not have fielding starts on them. To play the advanced game, you must get fielding stats and some additional info. You can get these cards in one of three forms:

1. Make your own cards for free by entering the following numbers into this google sheet ...

Throws R or LBats R,S,L
Games PitchedPOS
Games StartedAB
Innings PitchedR

... and the google sheet will calculate cards like this (I entered the numbers above for both players).

Notice the google sheet calculates and error rating and has a spot to note if they are left-handed or right-handed, which I did not include in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rican teams above because they are only needing if you want to play a Tier 3 - Advanced Game. They do take longer because you need to pull up fielding stars like fielding percentage and double plays.

There are some notes by the batter card because some numbers translate to the letters for baserunning, stealing bases, bunting and defense in the advance game. I typed in the letters on the Puerto Rican and Dominican Republic cards, but as you can see on Suzuki's card above a calculation of 0 on the OBR or SP = an E, a 1 = D, etc. On the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rican cards I typed in the letters, but when it calculates then it shows you numbers that you need to know equals letters.

2. Order the classic cards

While the Puerto Rican and Dominican Republic sheets above give one free option for playing games, the following shows you how to play the same game with the basic cards For the current Yankees and Dodgers (order from big32dave at eBay was emailed within 2 hours or calculate on this google sheet) below whether to manage current or all-time major league players or player cards for minor league, college, American Legion, high school or even little league players.

Order cards such as the current cards I get from big32dave at eBay. While they look different than my Puerto Rican and Dominican Republic players above, you can look up numbers the same way with the dice roll ...

... but you will notice there is some extra information that you need for a Tier 3 game below. Things that are on these cards but not on my Dominican Republic or Puerto Rican cards above include:

Pitcher; Throws Left (or Right), Fielder's positions and his error rating (E1 or Hicks, E2 for Judge) and throwing arm strength (T3 for Hicks, T4 for Judge - T5 is best and T2 is worst and a catcher will be either TA, TB or TC. The CD rating is Clutch Defense, and  CD1 is the least likely to make a great play and CD 4 is the most likely. The BD at the bottom is the chance to clear the bases with an extra base hit if Clutch Batting (BD) comes up in the game. The two least used in modern baseball are the Sacrifice for bunts (AA is the best DD is the worst) and the Hit & Run rating (2 is best, 0 is worst).

1. Order Advanced Cards

If you purchase Advanced cards like the ones I bought through this link for my 42-team league of great teams, they look a bit confusing but just focus on the key lines.

The big difference is to realize the same numbers are there (PB and RN) but you need to look at the column based on if the batter or pitcher is facing someone who bats or throws left-handed or right-handed.

So to take a New York match-up from the Eastern Division of my four All-Time divisions, Dwight Gooden's PB when facing a left-handed batter is in his far left column and you can find that he is a PB 2-7 (under vLH). When he faces a right-handed batter he was actually not quite as good with a PB of 4-7 (under v RH in middle of the 5 columns).

By the same token, if that roll puts the random number of Ruth's card you need to check to see if he is facing a left-handed pitcher (far left corner under vLH) or as in this case is in the middle column because he is facing a right-handed pitcher in Gooden (vs RH, 385 at bats, .379). Against lefties he only hit home runs on 16-27, while against righties he hit it out from 28-38.

These cards do sometime have wider ranges than the Classic cards, like a CD5, or SP AA+ or PB 2-10 or worse a PB 2-4, but I only count everything within the old limits (so PB must be between 2-9 and 2-5, while CD must be between 1 and 4, etc.).
Let's run through five rolls of the dice for Gooden facing Ruth to see how the inning would have played out.
Two-Dice (PB)Random Number (11-88)Result if Gooden v RuthNew Sitation
927Triple on Ruth's cardMan on 3rd, 0 out33
532Strikeout on Gooden's card1 out37
315Single on Gooden's card1-0 Yanks, man on first 1 out311
1145Strikeout on Ruth's card2 outs315
485Out on Ruth's card3 outs, inning over319

Tier 3 - Playing the Advanced Game

THROWING ARMS. The first difference in a Tier 3 game is the ability of outfielders or catchers to throw out runners more often than other players. In the Tier 1 chart at the top on Stealing and taking and extra base on a hit only the runners speed makes a difference. However, if you have the T5, T4, T3, T2, TA, TB and TC ratings for throwing arms, you see that the 5s and 6s have notes in italics for how to use those ratings to determine if the runner is safe or out.

If you have a board and want to use it instead of the advanced dice version below, Statis-Pro Boards gave charts for a runner to try to take an extra base on a hit. However, it was the one part of the game that was unrealistic since further studies showed that runners only advance from 1st to 3rd on about 30 percent of singles, and are only thrown out a little over 1% of the time

If you still have an old Statis-Pro Board and want to use the charts to see if runners take an extra base, be aware that was the most inaccurate part of the game and you should make the following adjustments. 

1. Lower the safe range listed below by 20 with 0 or 1 out, and if there are 2 outs use the numbers below but do not add 20. Also, if the runner advances AND the random number is between 11-18 then a batter with either an OBR A or B takes another base on the throw attempt at the runner, and if the number is 21-28 AND the runner advances than only a batter who is OBR A can advance.

2. However, if the Random Number is NOT within the range listed then simply keep the runner at the base as he saw he probably could not make it to the next base. The runner is only thrown out on the following Random Numbers in all scenarios:

81-82 = T5 throws out runner trying to advance, others hold.
83-84 = same as above, except T4 or T5 throws runner out.
85-86 = same as above, except T3, T4 or T5 throws runner out
87-88 = runner trying to advance thrown out.

ERRORS and SPECIAL PLAYS. The biggest difference in the Advanced game occurs when the 20-sided die comes up as a 18, 19 or 20, which is just an out in Tier 1 or Tier 2 games, but can lead to all kinds of errors or other exciting plays in a Tier 3 game. Here is what can happen with those rolls come up in a Tier 3 game:

18 or 19.   ROLL two 6-sided dice AGAIN and refer to green to see which fielder might
make 1-base error. If the 20-sided die roll is equal to or lower than the E number by the fielder,
then a one-base error is made. On rolls from 11-20, subtract 10, and if the resultant number is
equal to or lower than the E rating on the fielder, then a 2-base error is made. Otherwise,
the play is an out to that player and the runners advance.

2 diceCheck for error      2 diceCheck for error
2 or 31b      82B
4P      9LF
5CF     10C
63b     11RF
7SS     12SS
(e.g. Aaron Judge is E2, so roll of 3 or 13 NOT error)
20. If noone on base then a "20" on an out is a flyout to CF.
If anyone is on base when a 20 is rolled, then ignore the normal PB and RN on the batter or pitcher card, INSTEAD use those dice for the numbers below for what might be a BD (Clutch Batting),
CD (Clutch Fielding) or Z (Unusual Plays):

2 - BD - Clutch Batting: Look up the Random Number of 11-88 on batters card for bases-clearing double, triple or home run or if not in range then ignore as a foul.
3 - BD - Clutch Batting (same as "2")
4 - BD - Clutch Batting (same as "2")

Numbers 5 through 9 use the two 6-sided dice to pick a position below, and the 11 to 88 on the chart (e.g. if the two die were a one and a six to total 7, then refer to the Clutch Defense of the 1st baseman "7 (1&6) - 1b")
5 - CF 
6 (1 & 5) - LF
6 (2 & 4) - RF
6 (3 & 3) - P
7 (1 & 6) - 1B
7 (2 & 5) - 2B
7 (3 & 4) - 3B
8 (4 & 4) - C
8 (2 & 6 or 3 & 5) - SS
9 - CF

CD1 = no play madeCD Clutch DefenseChance for Great Play
Infielders resultCD2                   CD3CD4
Line out, lead runner doubled  11 to 21           11 to 4211 to 56
Grounder, lead runner thrown out22 to 32           43 to 5557 to 78
No action, return to normal play33 to 88           56 to 8881 to 88
Outfielders only

CD2           CD3CD4
Line out in gap, lead runner doubled off base11 to 21           11 to 4211 to 56
Line out, runners get back safely22 to 32           43 to 5557 to 78
No action, return to normal play33 to 88           56 to 8881 to 88
Catchers OnlyCD2                     CD3CD4
Diving catch of pop up, lead runner doubled off base11 to 32            11 to 5511 to 78
No Action33 to 88            56 to 8881 to 88

10 - Use Z Chart below (go first to left column below, but it sometimes requires roll for right columns)
11 - Use Z Chart below
12 - Use Z Chart below

Random NumberIf Z Play Results, read random number below.Random

If Z Play Fielding for CD 1 or 2 (11 to 34)

Z Play Injury If CD 3 or 4 (11 to 34)

11Catcher ejected11 to 34 ignore if noone on 1st
12Pitcher ejected1114G3, runners advance3-6-3 double play
13Batter ejected15184-3 runners advance4-6-3 double play
14Single, P, C & 1b ejected21246-3 runners advance6-4-3 double play
15Batter ejected25285-3 runners advance5-4-3 double play
16Pitcher ejected31341-3 runner advance1-6-3 double play
17Walk for pitcher going to mouth



35 or higher ignore CD & check Error

1B - E0 to 3, out runners advance
35 or higher ignore CD & check Error

E4-10 Single
18Batter out for illegal bat41442B - E0 to 3, out runners advanceE4-10 Single
21Rained out4548SS - E0 to 4, out runners advanceE5-10 Single
22Rained out51543b - E0 to 5, out runners advanceE6 -10 Single
23April games only rain out5563LF - E0 to 1 OutE2-10 Double, runners score
24April games only rain out6474CF - E0 to 2 OutE3-10 Double, runners score
25April games only rain out7583RF - E0 to 2 OutE3-10 Double, runners score
26Rain delay, both pitchers PB lowered by 18487C - E0 to 3 catch in standsE4-10 foul
27Double, but if runner on 1st ruled out for batter passing88Triple Play - line out & runners doubled off
28Strikeout, wild pitch, batter safe at 1st
31Double erased, batter out for missing 1st base

If Z Play Injury

32If man on first, steals and SS ejectedInjury playPlayer hurt
33Runner out stealing second and ejected1112FoulC
34IF man on first, picked off 1-3-4-3 but a runner on 3b scores1314Foul1b
35IF man on first, picked off 1-3-6, all others advance1516Foul2b
36If man on 3rd, catcher picks off1718Foul3b
37Strikeout, passed ball batter safe at first if unoccopied or 2 outs2122FoulSS
38Single runners advance 2, but batter out rounding 1st2325DoubleLF
41Batter out for running into slow roller2628Inside Park Home RunCF
42Only runners on 1st and 2nd, grounder hits runner on 1st who is ruled out but batter gets hit3133TripleRF
43Catcher interference, batter gets 1st34FoulBatter
Batter out on Fan interference


45 to 78

Z chart fielding (new random number, look up and right)

3741Double, runners score1b and RF

81 to 88

Z chart injury (new random number, look right)

4244Double, runners score2b and CF
4547Single, runners 2 basesSS and LF
5153Foul3b and P
5458Double, runners scoreLF and CF
6165Double, runners scoreCF and RF
6668Single, runners 1 base1b
7173Line out 2b2b
7476Line out 3b3b
7781Line out SSSS
8588Double, runners scoreCF

Charts for Playing teams from different eras or level of play, as well as right-handed vs. left-handed

The advanced games show different results for batting and pitching against a left-handed or right-handed batter. However, when playing with basic cards or the cards you make by going to our link, then an adjustment for whether a pitcher is facing a right-handed or left-handed batter were always reflected in a chart summarized below. Basically, a if a batter gets to bat against a pitcher who throws the opposite (left-handed batter vs. right-handed batter or vice versa) then he gets a single on a Random Number of either 87 (with runners advancing two bases) or 88 (where they advance one base).

However, if a right-handed batter needs to face a right-handed pitcher then he is out on an 11 or 12, and a left-handed batter will have a much tougher time against a left-handed pitcher - where he is out on 11-15. A Switch hitter is never effected either way.

The additional adjustment we folded into the system is an adjustment for if a batter from a deadball era (e.g. Yaz in 1968) faces a pitcher from a live ball era (1930). In that case consult the average Runs/Game in one year. To take the most extreme case, if Yaz from 1968 were hitting against a 1930 pitcher, this would be a batter who slugged it out in a year in which 3.4 runs were being recorded per game playing in 1930 when 5.6 runs per game were being scored. The adjustment extends on the Right/Left adjustment and in this case Yaz and his teammates get doubles on 81-86. As you can see from the chart, that would result in the 1968 Red Sox adding about 2.37 runs per game over the course of the season to be on an even field with the 1930 teams.

In other years the adjustment is much less or none at all.

The other place you can use this chart is if one league is playing a league that is better (Japanese, Cuban or Mexican League against the Major Leagues) or to play college or minor leagues against each other. In most cases, you would simply need to estimate the difference between the two levels, but in other cases, you can check the math. For example, if you wanted to play an International League team, where teams average 4.15 runs per game, against a Pacific Coast team where they average 5.03, the difference of 0.88 on the chart below would result in all International League teams getting doubles on any roll or a random number of 85 or 86.

There is never an adjustment the other way - the batters in the league or year that scored MORE runs per game do not face any adjustments.

VariableRandom NumberNew ResultR/G Impact
LHP vs LN or LP Cht11-15K or Foul Out
RHP vs RN or RP Cht11-12K or Foul Out
LHP vs RN or RP Cht87-88Single
RHP vs LN or LP Cht87-88Single
Batters' Year 0.2 to 0.5 lower R/G     86Double0.35
Batters' Year 0.6 to 0.9 lower R/G85-86Double0.72
Batters' Year 1.0 to 1.3 lower R/G84-86Double1.1
Batters' Year 1.4 to 1.7 lower R/G83-86Double1.5
Batters' Year 1.8 to 2.1 lower R/G82-86Double1.92
Batters' Year 2.1+ lower R/G81-86Double2.37

Advanced Rules: Relief Pitchers and Pinch Hitters

Kershaw's SR is 11, which is his endurance. Every time he gives up a hit, walk, hits a batter with a pitch (HBP), throws a wil pitch (WP) or allows a run, lower that by one number. If Judge did hit a home run against him that would be a hit and a run allowed and his SR would drop from 11 to 9. Once he gets to 0 you start to take numbers off of his PB. So if he was down to an SR "1" and then gave up a solo homer to Judge, then he would be at zero so the run and hit Judge scored would instead lower his PB from 2-8 to PB: 2-6 and you would normally take him out of the game for a reliever.

When playing a series or season, a pitcher who starts a game should rest the next 3 games, a reliever who faces at least 12 batters should rest 2 games, and a pitcher who faces at least 6 players should rest 1 game.

My season and personal tweaks

 Avoiding ridiculous players

A few personal tweaks as I play:

Occasionally a player will have a ridiculously good card based on just 20 inning pitched or 50 at bats, making it appear he is the best batter or best pitcher in the league. I put the following caps on players if they played less than half - or even less than one-quarter of the season:

Very part-time player

(40 or fewer position games, or 8 or fewer starts as a pitcher, or 16 or fewer relief appearances). For these very part-time players:

A batters Home Run range can be no better than 32-36 (5 home run numbers and strikeouts on the card must start by 37). Therefore a player who had a 41-42 for home runs would push those two homers down the card to a 35-36, and then push the same number of triples, than doubles down to the lower numbers. If a player had a 21-28 on home runs (8 home run numbers) then they could only keep 5 home run numbers and would thus be a 24-28 on home runs.

A Very Part-time pitcher cannot have a PB higher than 207.

Half-time player

 (80 or fewer position games, 16 or fewer starts as a pitcher, 32 or fewer relief appearances).

A batters home run range can be no better than 32-38 (7 home run numbers).

A pitchers PB can not be a 2-9, so much be lowered to a PB 2-8.

International Rules for extra innings

One last option is to play the new international rules for extra innings. The version I am using is that beginning in the 10th inning the next two batters scheduled up basically get intentional walks - so the third batter of the inning always comes up with runners on 1st and 2nd and no outs until someone wins the game. (the actual rule allows managers to pick where to go to in the lineup for those 1st two players to put on base starting in the 11th inning, but I just keep it to the next two batters in the line-up in the 11th).

Rest Rules

The other variation I use is to count every game as a 3-game series with goes to the winner of the game 2 games to 1 UNLESS they win by at least 5 runs, in which case they are awarded a 3 games to 0 edge in the record. If you do this the home team is still allowed to hit in the bottom of the 9th if they are ahead but by less than 5 runs in order to try to turn it into a sweep.

To prevent one ace reliever from coming in and pitching a bunch of innings, I do not allow a pitcher to appear in as many innings as his RR (so an RR of 3, can only appear in part or all of 2 innings).

Tips on storing the team's cards between games.

The following groupings of cards within a team let's you keep track of the pitching rotation and which relievers need to sit out a game or two:

i. 4 cards facing you can start with the starting pitcher who should start the next game. Behind him an backward can be any reliever who needs to skip that game because he faced at least 6 batters last game or 12 batters the game before. Then the pitcher who will start the next game, with any relievers reversed behind him who pitched to at least 12 batters and thus needs to rest that game. Then the 3rd and 4th pitchers, with 4th being the one who started the last game.

ii. The relievers who are rested to pitch the next game can then all be put in any order facing away from you under the starters.

iii. The bench players who do not usually start can then be under the relievers but facing toward you.

iv. The 8- or 9- man line-up (depending on if you are using the DH) would then be facing away from you at the bottom of the stack

Therefore the next time you are ready for the team to play, once side has the starting rotation, the other the starting line-up, and all pitching and bench reserves are in the middle.

4e. Season Blog

Here is my season blog.

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